Birds of Albany Hill – Pericoli

Birds of Albany Hill

Originally compiled by Dr. Richard G. Beidleman from observations made between 1994-1996. Additional species contributed by Ralph Pericoli, and others reported to eBird.

Species (common name) Habitats*
1. Blackbird, Brewer’s R
2. Blackbird, Red-winged R
3. Bluebird, Western ER
4. Bufflehead R
5. Bushtit ERO
6. Chickadee, Chestnut-backed EOR
7. Coot, American R
8. Cormorant, Double-crested Flyover
9. Cowbird, Brown-headed ER
10. Creeper, Brown EOR
11. Crow, American E
12. Dove, Mourning EOR
13. Egret, Great R
14. Egret, Snowy R
15. Falcon, Peregrine Flyover
16. Finch, House ER
17. Finch, Purple E
18. Flicker, Northern EO
19. Flycatcher, Ash-throated R
20. Flycatcher, Olive-sided E
21. Flycatcher, Pacific-slope R
22. Flycatcher, Willow ER, Migrant
23. Goldfinch, American R
24. Goldfinch, Lesser E
25. Goose, Canada R
26. Grosbeak, Black-headed EO
27. Gull, California Flyover
28. Gull, Heermann’s Flyover
29. Gull, Herring Flyover
30. Gull, Ring-billed Flyover
31. Gull, Western Flyover
32. Hawk, Cooper’s EO
33. Hawk, Red-shouldered EO
34. Hawk, Red-tailed E
35. Hawk, Sharp-shinned RO
36. Heron, Great Blue R
37. Heron, Green R
38. Hummingbird, Allen’s R
39. Hummingbird, Anna’s EOR
40. Jay, California Scrub EOR
41. Jay, Steller’s EO
42. Junco, Dark-eyed EOR
43. Kestrel, American E, Flyover
44. Kingfisher, Belted R
45. Kinglet, Ruby-crowned EOR
46. Mallard R
47. Mockingbird, Northern ER
48. Night—Heron, Black-crowned R
49. Nuthatch, Pygmy EOR
50. Nuthatch, Red-breasted ER
51. Owl, Great-horned E
52. Paula, Northern R
53. Phoebe, Black ER
54. Pigeon, Band-tailed Flyover
55. Pigeon, Rock Flyover
56. Raven, Common ER
57. Robin, American ER
58. Sapsucker, Red-breasted R
59. Siskin, Pine E
60. Sparrow, Chipping R
61. Sparrow, Fox EOR
62. Sparrow, Golden-crowned ER
63. Sparrow, House R
64. Sparrow, Lincoln’s R
65. Sparrow, Song OR
66. Sparrow, White-crowned E
67. Sparrow, White-throated R
68. Swallow, Northern Rough-winged R
69. Swallow, Tree E
70. Swallow, Violet-green ER
71. Swift, White-throated Flyover
72. Tanager, Western R
73. Thrush, Hermit EOR
74. Thrush, Swainson’s OR
75. Thrush, Varied OR
76. Titmouse, Oak EOR
77. Towhee, California EOR
78. Towhee, Spotted EOR
79. Turkey, Wild ER
80. Vireo, Cassin’s O
81. Vireo, Hutton’s EOR
82. Vireo, Warbling EOR
83. Vulture, Turkey E, Flyover
84. Warbler, Black-throated Gray OR
85. Warbler, Chestnut-sided OR, Rare
86. Warbler, MacGillivray’s EO
87. Warbler, Nashville OR, Migrant
88. Warbler, Orange-crowned OR
89. Warbler, Townsend’s EOR
90. Warbler, Wilson’s R
91. Warbler, Yellow R
92. Warbler, Yellow-rumped ER
93. Waxwing, Cedar E
94. Woodpecker, Downy EOR
95. Woodpecker, Hairy E
96. Woodpecker, Nuttall’s E
97. Wood-peewee, Western R
98. Wren, Bewick’s EOR
99. Wren, House ER
100. Wren, Marsh R
101. Wren, Pacific R
102. Wrentit R
103. Yellowthroat, Common R
104. American Redstart R

*E=eucalyptus, O=oak woodland, R=riparian